Mold and mildew can affect organic goods, especially food and agricultural products, and also cause terrible pests or odor. When the relative humidity is above 75% (but research shows that problems may occur when the relative humidity is low, such as 50%) and the temperature is between-5 C and+55 C (the optimum temperature for mold and mildew is 20-30 °C), mold is easier to grow, and this is inevitable in many cases, because it is impossible to protect the goods from mold during storage or handling. Therefore, the simplest way to protect goods from mold is to reduce the moisture content.
Excessive moisture will also cause irreversible damage to the packaging of goods, and may eventually collapse, because the packaging is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture. Excessive moisture may also be the cause of label peeling on glass bottles or food cans.
In dry goods such as powder, moisture damage is manifested as caking. This is because dry powder is usually hygroscopic and absorbs moisture.
Being wet poses a threat to the quality of your goods and may lead to expensive costs.